Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery Statement FY 2019/20
Our structure
The London Marathon Charitable Trust (The Trust) is one of the United Kingdom’s major charitable funders of initiatives to encourage people to take part in physical activity. The Trust aims to provide funding to enable people to become and remain physically active, and to challenge inequality of access to physical activity.
We were established in 1981 alongside our trading company, London Marathon Events Ltd (LME). The Trust and LME have a shared vision of “Inspiring Activity”. Both organisations were created with complementary aims:
- London Marathon Charitable Trust provides funding to enable all people to become and remain physically active
- London Marathon Events Ltd works to grow and improve the mass-participation sporting events it organises and increase the amounts raised by participants for charities
Across the two organisations (together the ‘LMCT Group’) we work in complementary ways to deliver the greatest possible impact in terms of our shared vision and values. The surplus from the London Marathon and other events organised by LME is corporate gift aided to The Trust and we use these funds to award grants to projects which are in-line with our core mission of promoting physical activity for all.
The Trust is the parent company and the sole shareholder of LME. LME is a Private Limited Company and holds the majority of relationships with third-party providers who we engage to provide a range of services and goods to facilitate the delivery of our events and forming our supply chain.
This Modern Slavery Statement covers the LMCT Group.
Our policies on slavery and human trafficking
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
Our Modern Slavery Statement demonstrates our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
We also have policies in place to:
- Protect whistle blowers within the organisation
- Protect the welfare of The Trust and LME employees
Due diligence and our supply chain
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, we have in place systems to;
- Check that all employees directly engaged by The Trust and LME have the right to work in the UK and are paid at least the National Living Wage/Minimum Wage as appropriate
- Engage workers directly, where possible, to maintain control of employment practices
In order to ensure that all persons within our supply chain comply with our values and ethics; this Financial Year we have undertaken the following activities:
- Identified suppliers at high risk of Modern Slavery based on the goods or services provided and requested policy information (and audit documentation where appropriate) pertaining to their supply chain
- Requested high risk suppliers enrol onto a collaborative ethical database providing supply chain transparency; two suppliers are currently enrolled
- Implemented a procurement toolkit to support internal purchasers of goods and services and raise awareness of the importance of ethical considerations when engaging third party providers
- Incorporated standards of practice into our LME supplier Terms and Conditions including obligations on labour standards and wages and benefits
- Produced a supplier questionnaire for tender exercises incorporating questions regarding wages and benefits
- Released our first Environmental Report ‘Leaving the Right Impression’. Whilst this report covers LME’s environmental ambitions, it outlines responsible procurement as a target for success
In the next Financial year we intend to:
- Roll out the supplier questionnaire for tender exercises more widely as our procurement process matures
- Increase supplier usage of the collaborative ethical database and request of supply chain audits
In order to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, increase awareness and identify signs of modern slavery, all of our staff across the LMCT Group, have completed Modern Slavery awareness training.
Closing Remarks
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the LMCT Group’s updated slavery and human trafficking statement for the Financial year ending 31 December 2020 and has been approved by the Directors of LME and the Trustees of The Trust.
Dated: 1 January 2021
Sir Rodney Walker, Chair of Trustees